Crystals to Renew, Refresh & Rejuvenate for 2021

Energy prediction for 2021 and the crystals to support you live your best life. Reset and roll into 2021 by giving yourself the best opportunity for success. If you want to gain clarity, let go of the what's holding you back and are ready to embrace each day and each moment it contains, choose to invest in yourself with time and resources that support your needs and growth. Many of us feel inspired by the new beginnings offered on paper each calendar new year, some of us choose to follow the cycles of the moon and look towards the new moon to begin new projects and plans, you can choose any moment to make a change and choose to put yourself first. #ByronBay #Crystals #NYE #2021

Crystals for kids

Inspire the sense of adventure whilst developing skills, imagination and the art of story in your kids by incorporating crystals. Crystal crafts and activities have multiple benefits. Keep your kids inspired, happy and entertained with theses ideas including a free... #crystalhealing #ByronBaycrystals #Crystals #Kids #Children #holidayactivities

Crystal Healing for pets Byron Bay crystals Heart of the Bay

Crystal Healing for your Pets

Crystal healing for pets can be a simple step us hoomans can do for our fur, feather or scale family. If your furbaby suffers from anxiety eg separation anxiety, anxiety and stress from trauma, storms or firecrackers it might be time to consider the benefits of crystals for your pet or you may wish to add some natural bling that you can match and wear too. Santa Paws and Claws is coming soon and our pets can experience anxiety with travel, extra people, changes in routine or New Years Eve fireworks. Whether you have a dog, cat, horse, fish, mouse, guinea pig, hamster, or rabbit these simple tips...

Invite calm & slowdown with crystals

In times when the community collective can experience rising anxiety and fears it's more essential than ever to slow down, remain mindful and invite calm into our lives. Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? These simple steps and crystals can ... #CrystalHealing #ByronBay #Meditation #Mindfulness #Crystals #Calm #SlowLiving #anxiety #fear

Crystals to connect with spirit guides Byron Bay Crystals Heart of the Bay

Crystals to improve your communication with Spirit & your guides.

Would you like to heighten your connection and the flow of communication with spirit and your guides? These crystals can support you to ... #Crystals #ByronBayCrystals #Spirit #CrystalHealing #ByronBay